4 Value-Added Services That Enhance Post-Purchase Experience

It's true that most merchants focus on the conversion rates from their customers and once that purchase is complete, the merchant feels that this is the point where the two part ways.

This is where an important part of the customer’s journey tends to be neglected - the part called ‘post-purchase experience’.

Since acquiring a customer is difficult and holding on that that customer is far more difficult, making sure the customer becomes a repeat customer is of high priority.

This is where we as Shopify Plus Development experts add 4 value-added services that will enhance the customer’s post-purchase experience.

1. ‘Share’ options post Thank you, Page - 

When the customer reaches your Thank you page, their interaction with your site is still high. And if the transaction is successful, they’re probably feeling very excited too!

Use this positive emotion of the customer to ask them to share their purchase. This acts as word of mouth and brings in more customers who might be interested in buying the product.

2. Keep in touch about the purchase via Email - 

Once the customer finishes their purchase, their journey still continues till delivery. Keep the customer hyped about their purchase. Send them occasional emails telling them the status of their item and when it’s due for delivery. Transactional emails enjoy 8x higher open and clickthrough rates compared to other types of e-mails. Don't spam the customer though!

3. Ask for customer feedback for Social Proof - 

It's important for the customer to know their satisfaction is important to you. When you get feedback from customers, you're showing that you respect your target audience. By encouraging customers to rate products or write testimonials for your company, you are also building social proof for your product in the process because people will think "Wow! This must be good if so many other people are saying nice things about it."

4. Time your Upsells and Cross-sells - 

Identify and analyze the shelf life of your product(s), so that you can estimate when to remind customers to either purchase replenishment, an upgrade, or complementary products and services. 

This way your emails turn out to be important reminders and messages to the customer instead of being just another junk mail that the customer doesn't want to see.

Remember, improving the post-purchase experience provides you as the merchant with a way to bring in repeat customers and turn them into loyal customers. 

In a time where customer acquisition is so expensive not to mention difficult and the market is so competitive, it's important to hold on to every customer that comes into your store.

We as Shopify experts and Shopify developers recommend speaking to a Shopify Plus agency to know how to add more value to your website and what are the choices you have to enhance your value-added services post-purchase. Hire a Shopify agency to leverage the true